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We are pleased to inform members that we shall be co-organising the above seminar with Building Management Association of Malaysia (BMAM) in response to long outstanding existing voids in mixed strata management. Details are as follows:

Date: Thursday, 10 March 2022
Time: 9.00 am – 5.30 pm (Registration starts from 8.30am)
Venue: Avante Hotel, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya

The seminar will be particularly relevant for all strata building management personnel including shopping malls and other components in mixed development buildings.

The programme will take a look at many topical issues like:

  • Maintenance Charges in Mixed-Use Strata Developments – to charge a single rate or multiple rates?
  • Challenges in the Planning of Mixed Strata Buildings
  • Challenges in the Managing of Mixed Strata Buildings
  • The Dilemma of single rates or multi rates

For more information, and to register for the above said seminar, please click HERE.




In view of the current health safety scenario in Malaysia, PPKM will be offering our security and safety training programme next month where we will address current pertinent issues in shopping malls. The programme is focused on shopping mall operations and the importance of effectively trained security personnel as they are the front-liners in our malls, especially as they are now required to be gatekeepers to control the entry of all shoppers. Our training dates are as follows:

Dates: Wednesday 1 December and Thursday 2 December 2021
Time: 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. daily
Venue: Level 5, Cititel Hotel, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur

The 2-day training sessions, conducted annually since 2006, will equip security and safety personnel from guard/officer/supervisor/executive levels in the basic procedures and knowledge required for the daily operations of shopping malls. Our trainers are sourced from senior in-house security personnel of prominent member malls with extensive working experience both in shopping malls and previously in the police force, as well as specialists from the industry.

For more details, please click HERE and register at this link:



PPK Malaysia is pleased to announce that with SOP relaxations and inter-state travel being lifted during the current recovery process, we will be re-convene our CERTIFICATION COURSES for 2-2021, subject to strict compliance of current SOPs for events and seminars.

Module : Marketing and Leasing (Part 1 & 2) (classes run concurrently)
Date : Monday, 8 November 2021 – Wednesday, 10 November 2021 (3 Days)
Venue : JW Marriott Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur


Module : Operations & Maintenance (Part 1 & 2) (classes run concurrently)
Date : Thursday, 11 November 2021 – Saturday, 13 November 2021 (3 Days)
Venue : JW Marriott Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur


Parts 1 and 2 for the 3 modules will be run concurrently and are repeat courses, now with revamped syllabi in view of the current scenario, for those who did not manage to participate during the previous occasions. Individuals who wish to undertake the FULL certification ie Part 1+2+3 will be given thirty six (36) months to complete a full certification course. (However, in view of the schedule disruption caused by the pandemic, appropriate concessions will be accorded to previous candidates who are advised to contact/email our secretariat for further details.)

Please register before Tuesday 26 Oct 2021, details available HERE.



Greetings ! PPK Malaysia would like to remind our members who are registered with BOVAEP as property managers (RPMs) of the requirement to renew your annual RPM licenses for 2022. Please click HERE for the necessary details.



PPK Malaysia is pleased to announce that after the 2020 hiatus due to the current pandemic, we are re-convening our CERTIFICATION COURSES for 1-2021 as indicated below (subject to strict compliance of current SOPs for events and seminars):


Module : Marketing and Leasing (Part 1 & 2) (classes run concurrently)
Date : Monday, 5 April 2021 – Wednesday, 7 April 2021 (3 Days)
Venue : One World Hotel, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya


Module : Administration (Part 1 & 2 combined (3 days))
Date : Thursday, 8 April 2021 – Saturday, 10 April 2021 (3 Days)
Venue : One World Hotel, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya


Module : Operations & Maintenance (Part 1 & 2) (classes run concurrently)
Date : Monday, 12 April 2021 – Wednesday, 14 April 2021 (3 Days)
Venue : One World Hotel, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya


Parts 1 and 2 for the 3 modules will be run concurrently and are repeat courses, now with revamped syllabi in view of the current scenario, for those who did not manage to participate during the previous occasions. Individuals who wish to undertake the FULL certification ie Part 1+2+3 will be given thirty six (36) months to complete a full certification course. (However, in view of the schedule disruption caused by the pandemic, appropriate concessions will be accorded to previous candidates who are advised to contact/email our secretariat for further details.)

For more information, and to register for the above said courses, please click here



PPK Malaysia is pleased to announce that our Security & Safety Training was postponed from January 2021 due to imposition of MCO. With yesterday’s announcement that CMCO will now be applicable for Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang, Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Kedah, Perak and Kelantan from 5-18 March 2021 and training events are permitted, we are pleased to now confirm the new dates as follows:

Dates: Wed 17 March and Thurs 18 March 2021
Time: 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. daily
Venue: Level 5, Cititel Hotel, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur

The 2-day training sessions, conducted annually since 2006, will equip security and safety personnel from guard/officer/supervisor/executive levels in the basic procedures and knowledge required for the daily operations of shopping malls. Our trainers are sourced from senior in-house security personnel of prominent member malls with extensive working experience both in shopping malls and previously in the police force, as well as specialists from the industry.

For more details, please click here and register at this link:




We have just started on a new year and hope everyone is keeping well. Our shopping malls are still all under immense stress trying to cope with the current pandemic scenario, but we hope as 2021 progresses, we will work things out together and eventually see a much improved situation in due course.


The current situation which has persisted for more than 1 year has created a New Normal for everyone and in response, we are starting the Education Series Webinars for this year with SURVIVAL KITS FOR THE NEW NORMAL. It is even now more imperative that malls have to look at new and different ways of operating and surviving under the new circumstances – including leveraging on data from loyalty programmes to encourage and ensure returning shoppers, shopping by E-wallets and payment gateways as well as touchless and cashless parking systems.


We are pleased to invite you to join our panel of speakers who will share their expertise and experience as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 24 February 2021
Time: 3.00pm – 5.00pm
Platform: Microsoft Teams


For more information the above said webinar, please click here.




PPK Malaysia is pleased to announce that in line with our MEMBERSHIP PROMOTION CAMPAIGN 2021 to encourage new recruitment of corporate and individual members etc., the following shall be the promotional fees applicable until further notice:



Category of Membership Entrance Fee (RM) Promotion Entrance Fee (RM) Annual
Subscription (RM)
Promotion Annual
Subscription (RM)
(NO changes)
TOTAL PAYABLE under Membership
Promotion Campaign (RM)
Ordinary Members
Corporate 5,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00
Individual 1,000.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 700.00
Associate Member 100.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 160.00
Affiliate Member:
Corporate 1,000.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,800.00
Individual 300.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 400.00



There will also be a SPECIAL Promotion for corporate memberships as follows:

  • existing corporate members who currently have more than one (1) membership may include additional shopping centres/buildings as new members by only paying an entrance fee of RM2,500.00 plus the Annual Subscription Fee of RM2,000.00 (total payment: RM4,500.00).



In addition, a SPECIAL Promotion for individual membership will be as follows:

  • personnel who are currently employed by existing corporate members of the Association can now join as individual members and have the entrance fee WAIVED. Just pay the Annual Subscription Fee of RM200.00 (total payment: RM200.00)



ALL current members are encouraged to inform their colleagues and/or associates of the above promotion campaign as PPK Malaysia will offer to individuals (only) who are recommending the new applicant, an incentive payment amounting to 10% of the entrance fee paid, subject to approval of the membership application.


Please be reminded that personnel who wish to undertake the full programme of our Certification Courses in Shopping Mall Management comprising Parts 1, 2 and 3 and become CERTIFIED MANAGERS upon qualification are required to become and remain current Individual Members.


Interested personnel are requested to submit their application forms together with a *crossed cheque payable to “PERSATUAN PENGURUSAN KOMPLEKS MALAYSIA (PPK) ” or to bank into our account (details available upon request) and/or call our Secretariat at Tel: 03-7727 6202 for further information.


For more information, please click HERE to download the circular and membership application form.


Security and Safety Training (Foundation), 20-21 January 2021 – POSTPONED

Due to the current MCO from 13 – 26 January 2021, the SOPs do not permit any “ … meetings, seminars, courses, and group sport activities. …”, so we have no choice but to POSTPONE the scheduled training until further notice. Further announcements will be made soon once we have some firm dates, thank you for your interest.



35th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, 8 August 2020

Our 35th AGM, which had to be postponed until now due to the Movement Control Oder, was held recently on 8 August 2020.

This was also the occasion of our biennial elections and members voted in a new committee for 2020-2022 which continues to be headed by our President, Tan Sri Teo Chiang Kok and we are glad to see many new faces on board, representing multiple malls throughout Malaysia.

Without doubt, shopping malls are in the midst of turbulence resulting from the current pandemic, and we shall need to put all our heads together to navigate through these uncharted waters.

Click HERE to view the photos gallery.



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